Hilarious 'Farticles'

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Leap Second

This just in:

"The world's official timekeepers have added a "leap second" to the last day of the year on Wednesday, to help match clocks to the Earth's slowing spin on its axis, which takes place at ever-changing rates affected by tides and other factors."

Here's a list of things I plan to do with the extra second:

- fill out an application to become one of the world's official timekeepers;

- finish my novel;

- spend down the remaining funds in my Flexible Spending Account so the rat bastards that administer it don't take off on a European vacation courtesy of the $231.46 I have in there;

Any time that's left will be spent reflecting on the general state of the world, specifically the Mideast, India vs. Pakistan, MMA vs. boxing, HBO (what happened to you?), getting up the nerve to watch TLC's "The 800 Pound Tumor" and trying to crack all my knuckles on the first try. Happy New Year...

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