Hilarious 'Farticles'

Sunday, January 31, 2010

BofA Robot Chat Session

Helpful Hints:
You = Me (Kelly)
Tara = Robot

Welcome to an online chat session at Bank of America. Please hold while we connect you to the next
available Bank of America Online Banking Specialist. Your chat may be monitored and recorded for quality purposes. Your current wait time is approximately 0 minutes. Thank you for your patience.

Thank you for choosing Bank of America. You are now being connected to a Bank of America Online Banking

Tara: Thank you for being valued Bank of America customer. My name is Tara.
Tara: How may I assist you with your personal Checking and Savings accounts opened in California?
Tara: Hi , Good Morning. How are you doing today?
You: Good. I'm trying to get through to the call center and the message says it's closed.
Tara: I would like to inform you that on behalf of Veteran's Day.
Tara: Our phone associates are not working.
Tara: Hence, you are unable to connect to the phone associates.
You: Veteran's Day was yesterday. Are they off for two days?
Tara: Yes, you are right.
Tara: However, I will try my best to help you if the query is within my scope.
Tara: Please go ahead with your query.
You: I had an alert set on my account to let me know a specific low balance threshold. I am now overdrawn
by 70 dollars and there are 7 transactions which I will be charged 35/each for. I checked and the alert was set to off!
You: I have not modified that alert for years
Tara: I understand you have a concern regarding the alerts.
Tara: As the alerts were disabled your account is going to charge with the overdraft fee.
Tara: Please correct me, if I am wrong.
You: i have a concern regarding the fees that i will be charged due to the fact that the alert was reset to 'off'
You: 7 x 35 = 245
Tara: I certainly check for you.
Tara: Could you please provide me the last four digits of the account number in question and the complete
name as how it appears on the account.
Tara: Are you still with me? Just to confirm that we are not disconnected.
You: yes
You: 7465
Tara: Thank you.
You: kelly alston
Tara: Thank you for the information, Kelly.
Tara: Please allow me some time while I access your account information.
You: ok, i have a child so there may be some lag between responses
Tara: Kelly, I see that there was an alert set on your account, if your account balance is less than the $200
then an alert will be sent to kellymarcalston@gmail.com on every Monday.
Tara: Am I right, Kelly?
You: yes, but i just set that today after i noticed that it was turned off
You: i was not alerted that my balance was low, and today i discovered that i was overdrawn
Tara: Thank you for the information.
You: sure
Tara: Kelly, I would like to inform you that as your account is not yet debited with the fees.
Tara: I request you to contact us immediately once the fee debited to your account so that we will definitely
look in to the issue and help you.
Tara: As you are the esteemed customer since 1990.
You: ok, i'll call the center when the fees hit, i really appreciate your help
Tara: We certainly look into the issue once you contact after the fee charged to your account.
Tara: You are most welcome.
Tara: Its my pleasure assisting you.
Tara: Would there be anything else I may assist you with today ?
You: no, have a great day
Tara: Thank you, Kelly.
Tara: Thank you very much for your time and co-operation.
Tara: Have a great day ahead, enjoy but do take care of yourself.
Tara: Thank you for choosing Bank of America's Text Chat Service!
Tara: To safeguard any personal account information, please close this window by click lower "Close " button
in the upper right corner of this chat window.
You: ok, thanks
Tara: You are most welcome, Kelly.


  1. I'm sorry, but I had to comment on
    I would like to inform you that on behalf of Veteran's Day.
    cracked me up.
